BIO - a market opportunity
The BIO products market is constantly growing. 62 percent of Poles would like to buy more BIO items and to do it more often. An obstacle is lack of understanding of what is a bio and a lack of confidence that a product labeled as BIO, it is in reality.

consumers buy organic products sporadically
of Poles would like to buy more BIO items and to do it more often
admit they are not sure, that something is really bio
In the report, we identified four high tensions that are currently very strong and break through many different categories. There you will find extensive information on the following topics:
- Motivations and drivers: what is attractive in BIO, how BIO products attracts consumers;
- Barriers: negative electorate, beliefs, argumentations
- Brands, products: examples, market inspirations, market leaders, a lots of insights and micro-trends, small manufacturers.
- Retail chains: which food chain is the most reliable in BIO? What needs improvement?