Adults Power
Adults Power is an original IQS research project diagnosing common and independent attitudes of adult Poles. People aged 35-55 were included in the study. It is the group with the highest income, purchasing power and decision-making power.

The Adults Power 2 report is a 230 slide story about people who are perceived by marketers mainly through the prism of category or brand usage. It is a comprehensive description of the generation of Poles aged 35-55, including, inter alia:
• A world of values and principles
• Approach to everyday problems and ways to deal with them
• Diagrams related to making life decisions
• Consumer behavior
• Points of contact, touchpoints
• Approach to segregation of duties, ecology, new technologies, health, money
The report distinguishes 6 segments of Poles whose attitudes towards life and ways of solving problems are different. You will get to know the Autonomous, Resourceful, Drifting, Relational, Conservative and Progressive. In addition to the main report, there are also two additional modules - #digital and #money&finance.
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