Consumer habits and shopping habits
Research on the habits and attitudes in shopping and consumption are the “ABCs” of knowledge on the consumer/ the user of a given category.

At IQS, we utilize the triangulation approach. This means that we acquire data via several methods, looking for the optimal combination of methodological tools. At the qualitative research stage, we use our proprietary tech/ digital solutions (online/digital platforms) as well as netdive™ (content analysis platform for exploring attitudes and behaviors in social media), blending this method with classic qual (IDI, FGI/ EG, ethnography). At the quantitative stage, we use the resources of our own Internet panel, (combining the research data with profile data, using “digital diary” solutions) and technological solutions that enable remote, F2F interviews (netview™). The process is concluded with a workshop with the Client, the goal of which is to translate the findings into business solutions and actions.