We are Poland's leader in the development of online research. We effectively and efficiently combine modern technologies with knowledge about consumer behavior.
Ostatnie lata to wysyp produktów proteinowych/ wysokobiałkowych. Zachowania, percepcja i postawy konsumentów wobec produktów z kategorii białkowej - temat ‘gryziemy’ w naszym najnowszym raporcie syndykatowym „Białkożercy”.
It is a platform for independent quantitative research on an online panel. Thanks to it, you can easily create and launch a study and analyze the data.
The Poland-wide Opinie.pl research panel has 100 K. active users. Each of these users is described by over 70 variables, meaning that nobody knows more about the panelists than we do.
a customized CX (customer experience) platform for collecting, analyzing and visualizing customer feedback/satisfaction.
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